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100% UNDEBUNKABLE CHEMTRAILS PROOF AT LAST! CLIMATE MODIFICATION GEO-ENGINEERING Chemtrails The secret government has been spraying the skies throughout North America since late 1997 on an almost daily basis with substances that were first identified as "mystery contrails", but later were dubbed "chemtrails" by investigative reporter and author William Thomas. When questioned, military and government officials either deny any knowledge of these spraying's outright or they offer unbelievable and ludicrous explanations that only a moron could believe. These spraying's are making many people sick and are the first phase of a bio-warfare operation designed to effect wide scale population reduction .. Find out what's going on: http://educate-yourself.org/ct/index.shtml "indigo skyfold" "project paperclip" "project overcast" "evergreen air base" "chemtrails" "climate engineering" "geo-engineering" "project cloverleaf" "geoengineering chemical-trails" "aluminum barium spraying" "agenda 21" "nwo" "great culling" "population control" "population culling" "new world order" "Illuminati eugenics" "crown jewel" "Muad'Dib" "project future earth" "climate modification" "operation future earth" "operation cloverleaf" "operation overcast" "operation Muad'Dib" "indigo skyfold phase 2" "indigo skyfold phase II" "air pollution" "project cloverleaf" "haarp" "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" "SOFTKILL" "operation softkill" "project softkill" "soft-kill"