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Visit http://www.ehowtodrywall.com/drywall-texture-california-knockdown/ for original post with pictures and such. Instructions : Step 1 : Prep the wallboard -- tape it, sand it, paint it, california knockdown hides inperfections on the board, but not a lot. It has to be near perfect or you will see it. If you see streaks in your paint job, you will see them after the texture, preparing you board properly is very important. If your texturing only your ceiling, make sure that you have all you walls poly'd and tape off. Step 2 : Preparing your mud -- For a California Knockdown you need thick mud to spray on the ceiling. But the mud that comes from the box is too tight, so we have to add water. Mix in1 or 2 liters of water, depending on how old you mud is. Mix the compound with a mixing drill, by hand would not remove all the lumps. Different joint compound do come in various forms, instructions on the side usually explain how to use that specific kind of compound. Step 3 : Preparing the Texturing Machine -- Hook up and unroll the hoses, hook up the hopper / spray gun and set up the nozzel size. You want to be using a large size nozzle for your knockdown, since you want to apply lots of texture on the ceiling or wall. Pour the compound into the hopper, The hopper is a large funnel-shaped container that feeds the mixture into the spray gun or machine. You should also adjsut the air pressure and set a high setting. Step 4 : Turn on the machine and start sparying texture, using smooth even strokes to apply a fairly thick and uniform layer. I do not recommend stopping until your entire area is covered with texture. Step 5 : Once your ceiling or wall is covered, turn off the machine and wait for it to set a little, about 10 minutes. You then use the plastic or metal knockdown knife to wipe down, or flatten, the peaks of the sprayed-on compound. We use a plastic knockdown knife with an extension pole in our video. With a soft plastic knife you don't have to worry about pressing to hard and flatening to big of an area. Also make sure you knockdown every area, you can go over top the same area a couple of times to make sure its all knockdown. And that's it, you let it dry, and or done your California Knockdown Drywall Ceiling And Wall Texture Wear your PPE -- Protective eyewear, Hats and Clothing always when doing California knockdown